Invasion of the Acne Vulgaris: When Pimples Take Over

The division between acne and simple pimples is hazy. While pimples are local infections of Acne Vulgaris bacteria, unlike full blown pizza face break outs, a pimples won't spread, duplicate, have babies on your face, or be more than a mild annoyance, unless you pull out all your pimple fighting ammunition, making matters worse.

So, next time you've got a mound of pus that's taken up real estate on your face, consider these tips to make matters better, instead of worse.

  • Like yo momma always said, don't touch your face. You are not a scientist performing a biopsy on some harmful lesion, you're just a girl, or a guy who's skin is kicking butt at protecting the rest of your body. Touching, poking, and prodding will increase pain, redness, and slow healing.
  • Consider everything in moderation. Acid based spot treatments and tea tree oil are tiny remedies that pack a punch, but over medicating your pimple will cause serious dry skin, peeling, flaking, and a whole mother world of pain and trouble.
  • If it hurts, use a painkiller. A paste of mashed aspirin and water can dry a pimple out faster than you can say “call the Red Cross”.
  • Lay off the makeup. The number one killer for your enemy Acne Vulgaris? Oxygen! So keep your skin clean and air exposed.
  • And remember. To you it feels like a giant volcano has taken up half your face, to the rest of the world, it's just another day and another pimple. We've all been there, so don't sweat it.

Happy anti pimple popping!

Peace. Love. And bobby pins.


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